
Parent Teacher Conference Success

Are you getting ready for your winter parent teacher conferences in Kindergarten? You will love this easy form that will make reporting to parents a breeze! Two reporting forms are provided. One that matches our popular assessment packets and one that is blank to record your own benchmarks.

Bonus! This packet includes Intervention Packets in both English and Spanish to give below grade-level students an extra boost. Send these packets home with parents to offer additional support for their child's academic learning.


  1. I'll have to use this packet when I have parent teacher conferences next month! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. ESGI is just as advertised, an amazing time saver!

  3. I love the Kindergarten Winter Packet! Thank you!

  4. We are having our second conference night of the year in a few weeks. Hopefully, I will have a better turnout. The parents I need to talk to never show.

    1. Isn't that true. I have one trick that usually gets parents to attend, I call about 30 min. after their missed appt, and offer them a new time or suggest that I could drop by for a home visit. Works every time.

  5. I also follow you on Facebook! LOVE your site too!

  6. Thank you for the great information!

  7. I truly love ESGI but in the 3 years I've been in Kindergarten, I have yet to get the school to purchase it for us. Needless to say, I'd be in heaven if I won!

  8. I truly love ESGI but in the 3 years I've been in Kindergarten, I have yet to get the school to purchase it for us. Needless to say, I'd be in heaven if I won!

  9. Awesome resource for parent teacher conferences.

  10. This makes the process so much easier for teachers and more simpler for parents to understand and assist in intervention.


Any Thoughts?