
January: Time for Mid-Year Assessments

Are you like me and have to begin mid-trimester, or semester tests as soon as you get back into the classroom next week? Well, thank goodness to ESGI Software, the time needed to gather this valuable data through assessments has been literally cut in half. 

Beside the savings of valuable teaching time, students love to be assessed through the use of technology. It feels to them like a game. As students are called to the Ipad or computer for a little one-on-one private teacher time, the students bolt over as quickly as their names are called.

If you haven’t given it a try, click here to sign up for your free 60 day trail using promo code B7227. Worried about starting in mid-year, no problem! It is so simple to use, catching up on that great data assessments will take no time at all. And you will be very glad you did!

To help you get started using ESGI, you may want to check out these great assessments that are available in paper formant and as a bonus, already digitally loaded on ESGI!
Common Core English/Language Arts Assessments:Kindergarten