
Amazing Prizes Compliments of ESGI and Friends

Each day January 9-21, a winner will be selected by Rafflecopter. Yes, a winner every day for 13 days! The  13 winners will each win $50.00 worth of product from a Friends of ESGI store, and a FREE 1 year license to ESGI!

The 13th winner will win an iPad Krayon Kiosk, 4 iPads, 4 chairs along with ESGI for a full year!

It is Easy to Enter! Follow the Steps Below

Step 1. Submit an active ESGI Username

If you are not a current user of ESGI, click on the ESGI logo above and register for a 60 Day Free trial. Be sure to use the code: B7227 to save $40.00! Remember, no credit card is needed. The full-version trial is absolutely free.

If you are a current user, or you have your brand-new user name that you have just created, go to the Rafflecopter below, enter your USERNAME, and Viola! You are entered a chance for some amazing prizes.

Step 2. Score Extra Entries

Earn extra points by visiting the ESGI Friends' Blogs as listed below. Leave a comment on their ESGI Giveaway post, and then you can check off the "I Commented" in the Rafflecopter. Each blog that you comment on will earn you extra entry points. And yes, you can comment and score those extra 13 points every day!

Day 1 Winner - January 9th: Kinder Gals/Kim Adsit http://kindergals.blogspot.com/

Day 2 Winner - January 10th: Sharing Kindergarten/Mary Amoson - http://sharingkindergarten.com/

Day 3 Winner - January 11th: HeidiSongs/Heidi Butkus - http://www.heidisongs.com/

Day 4 Winner - January 12th: Kindergarten Kiosk/Kathy Crane - http://kindergartenkiosk.blogspot.com/

Day 5 Winner - January 13th: Smart Kids/Jayne Gammons - http://smartkidsgammons.blogspot.com/

Day 6 Winner - January 14th: Mrs. Jump's Class/Deanna Jump - http://www.deannajump.com/

Day 7 Winner - January 15th: Pre-K Pages/Vanessa Levin - http://www.pre-kpages.com/

Day 8 Winner - January 16th: KFundamentals/Palma Lindsay - http://kfundamentals.blogspot.com/

Day 9 Winner - January 17th: Differentiated Kindergarten/Marsha McGuire - http://differentiatedkindergarten.com/

Day 10 Winner - January 18th: Kreative in Kinder/Crystal Radke - http://www.kreativeinkinder.com/

Day 11 Winner - January 19th: Kindergarten Smorgasboard/Greg Smedley-Warren - http://www.thekindergartensmorgasboard.com/

Day 12 Winner - January 20th: Mrs. Wills' Kindergarten/Deedee Wills - http://www.mrswillskindergarten.com/

Day 13 Winner - January 21st: Aridan Books - http://aridanbooks.com/blog/


  1. What a great giveaway! I can't wait to try ESGI.

  2. Love your stuff! Thanks for the opportunity to win ESGI for a year! ESGI is AMAZING! Assessment time is cut in half when using ESGI!

  3. I would absolutely LOVE to win this! ESGI looks fabulous!

  4. I have been using ESGI for over a year. This is the most fabulous thing that I could ever dream of! It is so nice to have all of your data in one spot!

  5. I would love win this! It would make my life so much easier!!!!

  6. ESGI has been a life saver! Thanks for the opportunity!

  7. I have been an ESGI subscriber for years, but LOVE this giveaway!!! It introduced me to some great bloggers!!!
    Thank you:)

  8. I love, love ESGI. In fact, I demonstrated it to my principal and she bought it for our whole team!

  9. I love ESGI- thanks for promoting it and for your giveaway!

  10. I started using ESGI this week and I LOVE it! I would love to win a full year:)

  11. I love ESGI and would love to have the ipads for my kids to use.
    Thanks for having this giveaway!!!!!

  12. What a great giveaway! I am looking forward to trying out ESGI with my trial...I have heard nothing but good things about it!!

  13. Very excited to begin using ESGI! Love the crayon kiosk and chance to win iPads as well, not to mention the gift cards from some pretty awesome bloggers! Awesome giveaway!

  14. I love the iPad kiosk...the colors go perfectly in my room!!!!

  15. What a great giveaway! That kiosk is awesome!

  16. Would be so excited to win this!

  17. This is amazing! Thank you for the wonderful giveaways. I would use these ipads and ESGI in my first grade class all the time.

  18. We love ESGI!!!!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway :)

  19. ESGI has saved me hours and hours of time!!

  20. Great ideas! Have to check out tpt. Thanks.

  21. This is my third year of using ESGI. It keeps getting better every year.

  22. We use ESGI in my prek room! awesome investment!

  23. Stopped by your page and found some really great ideas to use in my room! Thank you

  24. What a fantastic opportunity. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  25. This is an awesome giveaway! You'll amaze me with how much you truly think of other teachers. Thank you!

  26. I JUST joined and I already those it! ESGI for a year would be life changing! Thanks for participating!


    1. I am so glad you were able to use it right away!

  27. ESGI has saved me time in my classroom love it!!!

  28. ESGI has saved me time in my classroom love it!!!

  29. I love ESGI. Love this giveaway.

  30. Thank you for contributing to the GIVEAWAY and promoting such a great tool for teachers. I have been using ESGI for several years and cannot imagine assessing without it! Thanks for all you share!

  31. Wow, great giveaway! I can't wait to try ESGI.

  32. Amazing giveaway! Hopefully I can be lucky for once:)

  33. Would love an opportunity to take advantage of all ESGI offers teachers and students!

  34. I'm excited to learn more about ESGI!

  35. I'm excited to learn more about ESGI!

  36. ESGI is great, I have the trial, I was excited to find your tests aligned to common core.

  37. Ipad Krayon Kiosk! What a super prize. Thanks for the chance to win.

  38. I can't wait to try ESGI and would love to have the ipads for my kids to use.
    Thanks for having this giveaway!!!!!

  39. Getting started on the ESGI free trial in my class on Monday!

  40. I love all your ideas and resources for your winter/snowman activities. We are currently doing an arctic theme in my room, and I found a lot of valuable stuff on your site. I'm also excited about the ESGI/prizes giveaway! Crossing my fingers!

    1. Thanks for checking out my blog. I am doing arctic animals next week, my favorite theme! Look for some Arctic posts next week.

  41. ESGI is great! I'm just not sure exactly what to do for this giveaway. Do I comment everyday on every blog or just one comment on every blog?

    1. Yes LeeAnn. Comment every day on all blogs for 13 more chances to win.

  42. I have LOVED using ESGI this year! It is great! And I love all of the options for assessment!

  43. Thanks for all your great ideas!

  44. So excited about ESGI! Finally a way to streamline assessments and the fact that I can personalize them to my curriculum is AMAZING! Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! I'm so glad I found your blog too! I'm a new follower!

    1. Thanks for checking out my blog Karyn, hope you have a lucky day!

  45. Glad to find your blog! ESGI is a real time saver. :)

  46. ESGI is great! A year of it would be wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity.

  47. This site offers great ideas! Thanks! This ESGI giveaway is an awesome one!

  48. This giveaway would be a God-send! Loving my free trial period and would love a full subscription to ESGI!

  49. I invested my own money in ESGI, and every penny was well worth it. I was taking home binders of testing information and transferring the scores and rewriting the scores and so on. This was taking me hhhhooooouuurrrrssss. Seriously though, I found ESGI while doing my nightly pintrest scanning, and I am sooo thankful. I don't have to lug binders home or 4 different colors of pen and so on. Now I can just go home and jump on my account to pull up my info, or better yet, simply print results and quickly input the scores onto the report card. Did I mention ESGI also prints flashcards. These flashcards are completely differentiated for each student. ESGI pie charts are also very user friendly, even to my kindergarten students. I use the reports for fast resources at parent teacher conference, SRT and IEP meetings as well. The other people who use the software to help me test also find it very user friendly. It is super easy, and we have shared tests which cut our workload in half when first creating tests tailored for our students.

    1. It is amazing that after you use it, you start sounding like a sales-rep because it is so fantastic!

  50. ESGI is a MUST for every kinder teacher!!

  51. Thank you for being a part of this giveaway!!

  52. ESGI is a GAME CHANGER! I get useful data easily and quickly!

  53. Great ideas! Thanks!

  54. Great giveaway Esgi!

  55. ESGI is a great assessment resource! I love that it creates flash cards so that students can practice skills they haven't mastered, yet.

  56. I love ESGI, best kept secret, it's about time word got around!! Thanks!!!

  57. ESGI saves me so much time!! Love it!! And what an AWESOME giveaway!!! thanks, y'all!! should we keep commenting if you've already had your 'day'?? xoxo

  58. Wow, what a great give away! I love ESGI, too. It's made my life so much easier this year! I also follow your blog. You have so many great ideas!

  59. I would love to win a subscription to ESGI!!

  60. Wow! This is so AMAZING! I love ESGI! It is such an essential classroom tool! We don't have any IPAD's at our school. I know the kids would freak out! Thanks to all of the sponsors! :)

  61. Love this giveaway! I've just started using ESGI and it's already been such a time saver. I printed student reports for parent-teacher conferences last week and the parents were so appreciative and so impressed!

  62. This sounds awesome! I can't wait to try ESGI with my students. Thank you for hosting this.


Any Thoughts?