About Us

The Kindergarten Kiosk Team

Kathy has been teaching young children for over two decades. She believes that young children should be active participants in their own leaning and uses hands-on-games as the core of her thematically designed, child-centered classroom. She holds an M.Ed. in Reading Instruction and is the co-author of eleven teacher resource books published by Teacher Created Materials. She works as a freelance author for two national reading companies and provides published assessments as a Friend of ESGI.

After spending 10 years in the classroom, Lyndsey is now a stay at home mom with 3 little tots. Check out her blog Mamma's Tots. In her spare time (LOL), she is pursuing her PHD in Early Childhood Education.These new perspectives, mom of a kindergartner, and doctoral candidate, have further increased her desires to provide quality, developmentally appropriate early learning activities to the educators of young children.

Kathleen enjoys focusing on kindergarten kids and their needs. After a short stint teaching third grade in Wyoming, she has spent almost three decades teaching kindergarten in Idaho. She holds a National Board Certification in Early Childhood Education and a M.Ed. in Reading Instruction. She was named as the Idaho Phi Delta Kappa and Walmart Teacher of the Year for the state of Idaho and is the co-author of eleven teacher resource books that have been published by Teacher Created Materials. She is currently teaching kindergarten half-day and spending the other-half serving as a district Instructional Coach.