
Building "Action" Sight Word Sentences

Are you like me, tired of hunting for "action" picture cards to build emergent sentences?

These action and sight word cards will enable you to build easy to read, pocket chart sentences, for your emerging readers! (Sight words follow the “Wonders” Reading Series).

Just copy, laminate, and cut. That's what I am about to do to get ready to build those "I can" sentences with my students tomorrow.

Laminator: Deal of the Day

If you don't have your own personal laminator at home or in your classroom, Check out Amazon's Deal of the day, only $14.99

Time for Kindergarten Writing

These "Writing Center Activities" are perfect for your new kindergartners!

Contents Include the following activities along with Two beautiful word walls.
I Can Label
Making a List
Writing a Story
Writing The Room

You may wish to also purchase these writing anchor charts and/or see how to set up your week of writing activities.

Animal Zoo: Early Reading Games

If you love teaching letters and sounds using lovable animal characters, you will enjoy this product: Animal Zoo: Early Reading Games.

Contents Include:

Animal Alphabet Flashcards
Alphabet Zoo Match-up: Matching Animal to Beginning Letter
Alphabet Zoo Beginning Sounds
Zookeepers: Letter Recognition
Write the Room: Alphabet Zoo
Alphabet Zoo Bingo


Back to School Excitement

This weekend I was able to spend some time with my favorite tots. The 6 year old is so excited for a new beginning in 1st grade. He has great hope for a teacher that will love him, nurture him and care for him. He showed me his new backpack at least 10 times.

The kids who enter our classrooms are precious souls, and it is our job to love them. Here is my yearly motto. It serves me well.

Setting Up the Classroom

As educators are setting up their classrooms for a brand new school year, may educating the Whole Child be foremost in their thoughts. The areas for discovery are the most important areas in our classrooms!


Teacher Please Love My Child

Last year my grandson T. had a kindergarten experience that made me sad indeed.

Instead of waking up each morning with joy for learning, he cried and complained he didn't want to go. He would return home from school with his shirt completely chewed up from nervousness and anxiety. When we teach in ways that are developmentally inappropriate, we take the excitement out of their adventure, we remove the joy that learning should be. Hopefully this year will be much better for him, and for all children everywhere!

*Be sure to check out our new site at


Sticks and Curves: Uppercase Handwriting Worksheets

If you love Handwriting Without Tears, or just looking for a quality product for early learners, you will love this Uppercase Letter Formation product! There are two versions. The one page version included in the preview, and a 2 page version that may be easier for little hands to manipulate.

Developmentally appropriate practices are especially important when it comes to the teaching of letter formation. These worksheets will fill that bill. Each worksheet is interactive and is completed in five steps.
1. Student cuts along dotted line.
2. Student cuts out sticks and curves.
3. Student glues the white pieces on the black letter.
4. Student traces and then writes the letter practicing the stick and curves.

5. To complete the page, the student can color the pictures that begins with the letter sound.

As with all of our products! Classroom tested and Developmentally Appropriate for Early Learners.

Students cut the two curves and 1 stick apart

Student Paste Pieces on Letter and Trace/Write

127 Emergent Guided Readers For the Early Reader: Bundled For Great Savings!

127 Guided Readers

You will love these engaging guided readers that bridge the gap from non-reader to reader. These books can be copied, and then offered for guided reading practice. Students can participate in tracking, phonics practice, decoding, picture clues, and other important reading strategies right on their own copy!

Offering students a paper book that can be read, colored, and taken home offers students authentic purpose for the guided reading instruction and opportunity to practice techniques at home. This in turn offers parents important opportunities to be part of classroom reading instruction. Students love these delightful stories that are ready to read, on an emergent level. The clip art is delightful!

These sets may be purchased separately for $4.00 a set. Or, you may purchase this entire bundle for $50.00, a great savings of $34.00. That is $.25 a book!

  1. Apples
  2. The Pumpkin Cycle
  3. Pumpkin Colors
  4. Pumpkin Patch
  5. Apple Picking Time

  1. The School
  2. School Rules (A Read Together Book)
  3. All About Me
  4. My Classroom
  5. Friends
  6. Names

  1. My Teddy Bear
  2. The Brown Bear
  3. Little Bear and Friends
  4. Bear Facts
  5. Color Bears
  6. The Three Bears

  1. Merry Christmas
  2. Presents From Santa
  3. The North Pole
  4. Run Gingerbread Man Run!
  5. The Christmas Train

  1. Blue (Color)
  2. Blue (Black & White)
  3. Green (Color)
  4. Green (Black & White)
  5. Orange (Color)
  6. Orange (Black & White)
  7. Purple (Color)
  8. Purple (Black & White)
  9. Red (Color)
  10. Red (Black & White)
  11. Yellow (Color)
  12. Yellow (Black & White)

  1. Dinosaurs -- Level A
  2. All About Dinosaurs -- Level C
  3. Dig A Dinosaur -- Level C
  4. The Little Dinosaur -- Level B
  5. The Paleontologist -- Level B

  1. The Little Pigs
  2. The Little Goats
  3. Jack and the Beanstalk
  4. The Little Red Hen

      1.  Falling Leaves

      2. The Autumn Leaves
      3. Autumn
      4. Colors of Fall

  1. The Farmer in the Dell -- Level A
  2. The Sky is Falling -- Level CC
  3. The Watermelon -- Level C
  4. The Farmer -- Level C
  5. Where are the Animals -- Level B

  1. Little Hearts -- Level B
  2. I Love -- Level C
  3. My Valentine -- Level C
  4. Brushing Teeth -- Level C
  5. Groundhog Day -- Level B
  6. The Days of School -- Level C
  7. President's Day -- Level B

  1. Halloween Night
  2. Little Witch
  3. The Chocolate Chip Ghost
  4. Trick or Treat
  5. My Halloween Costume
  6. Pat the Bat

  1. What I Can Do Now
  2. My School
  3. My Friends
  4. Summer Vacation

  1. At The Beach - Level B
  2. The Ocean - Level B
  3. The Ocean - Level A
  4. The Sea - Level C
  5. Diving in the Sea - Level C
  6. Willy The Whale - Level C

  1. The Big Red Dog
  2. Little Caterpillar
  3. Goodnight At The Zoo
  4. This Little Piggy
  5. The Brown Bear
  6. Five Little Monkeys

  1. I Like Pirates-- Level C
  2. X Marks The Spot-- Level E
  3. The Pirates -- Level C
  4. The Treasure -- Level D

  1. I Have
  2. Jobs
  3. Going to School
  4. Not!
  5. It Is For
  6. I Know

  1. The Pet Show
  2. Dad
  3. On
  4. Look!
  5. I Said
  6. We Can

  1. The Stars -- Level D
  2. My Rocketship -- Level C
  3. Space Explorer -- Level B
  4. Rockets -- Level C
  5. The Aliens -- Level B

  1. The Lamb and the Lion
  2. Welcome Spring
  3. The Cat’s Hat
  4. St. Patrick’s Day
  5. The Little Seed
  6. The Bunnies

  1. Happy New Year
  2. How To Build a Snowman
  3. My Snowmobile
  4. Cocoa
  5. Ice Skating

  1. Winter 
  2. Winter 
  3. Snow
  4. The Mitten 
  5. The Mitten 


First Day of Kindergarten: Headband or Necklace

Who doesn't love to make the first day of Kindergarten special?

I love to have my students wear home a memento of the day. I use these circles to make headbands by cutting 1 12" strips of black construction paper to make the band and attaching the circle on the front.

I have also punched a hole in the top, threaded some yarn through to make a necklace, or simply pinned the badge on the students shirts.

No matter your style, kids will leave the classroom with a great big smile!

Click on your desired badge and drag the jpeg to your word or graphics page, scale to the size you want, and print.

Here are more printables for my early learning friends!


Chrysanthemum and the Beginning of Kindergarten

For me, the beginnings of kindergarten is fast approaching. Those beginning days are so hard! (For a teacher it is like holding 25 corks under the water all at once, all day long). For a  kindergartner, it is a scary time. A time to adjust to new space, new adults, new friends, new rules, new structure, and for most,  the introduction to the social (and far from perfect) world in which we live. It is the first realization for many 5 years olds that they are not the center of the universe.

I love to use this boo,k Chrysanthemum during the first weeks of school. This book is not only a lovely story, it is a great tool to teach self-awareness, diversity, respect, and appreciation for self and others. 

The book can also be used when teaching names of oneself and others. This packet, "Names," offer many great activities and games that will enrich your classroom.


Back To School: Time For New Beginnings

May our own joy and that of our students be our goal for this new school year!

Win a Free iPad and Accessories For Your Classroom


My friends and I at the iTeach Blogs are excited to announce that we're teaming up to bring you a mega back to school giveaway this year. One lucky teacher will win an iPad Air 2 with a cute owl-themed case, stylus pen, and a $15 gift card to iTunes.You can use this iPad as a personal device, to lead whole group activities, as a small group learning station, an individual choice time, as an enrichment activity use it with ESGI (my recommendation, use promo code B7227 to save $40.00) , or just to enjoy as you read a book on the beach. With so many great apps available, the possibilities are endless. No matter how you use it, we know it will become your favorite item!

To enter, first be sure to follow me on my blog or any of the other social connection. Then, fill out the rafflecopter entry at the iTeach Blog (click on the picture above) and leave a comment telling why you want to win, or how you will use the iPad in your classroom. We are accepting entries from Sunday 8/2 through Saturday 8/8. A random winner will be selected and announced on the iTeach Blog via the Rafflecopter on Sunday 8/9. Best wishes on this new school year and may the odds be in your favor!


Looking for more fun resources? Check out our recommended teacher-made materials for kindergarten teachers during the site-wide TpT sale Monday 8/3 through Tuesday 8/4.