
Looking for Digital Guided Readers?

Are you interested in a great app stuffed with leveled readers? FarFaria is storytime reimagined! It offers hundreds of high-quality children’s books. These books are lexile-leveled so it is easy to match the appropriate leveled text to each reader. The levels start at Pre-K and go to 4th grade reading levels.

Additionally, listening comprehension can be enhanced by making the stories come to life with the “Read-to-Me” feature. My grandson T loved the opportunity to hear the story of Frankenstein, a story he has been begging to hear since Halloween. The story was above his reading level and I didn’t even have to suggest that he listen to the story instead, he quickly figured it out. The app is just that easy to use!

Do you want a free 3 month subscription, because I have one to give away! Simply be the first one to tell me you want it, and it is yours!

December Themed Homework

Are you looking for some great homework to send with you students for the month of December, or are you a parent looking for some quality December themed games and activities to use in your home? Check out our December Monthly Homework Packets, available in threelevels.

You will LOVE the ease and quality of these packets. We have packets for all 12 months of of year! And as a bonus, the kindergarten version contains a companion packet with Spanish translation!

Don't forget, all products will be on sale for 28% off on Cyber Monday and Cyber-Plus Tuesday!


12 Days of Prizes!

If you haven't yet heard, ESGI is all the rage and is saving teachers hours and hours of time by simplifying assessments for early learners. Check it out today by starting your 60 day free trial. Then, when you win one of the prizes below (wishing you luck), you can simply convert that free trial to the real deal! 

The holidays are a season of giving, right? In this spirit, ESGI is bringing you the biggest holiday contest we've ever hosted, and wow, do we have an A-list line up!  We've partnered with 12 of the "Best of the Best" early childhood bloggers/presenters/content developers for 12 Days of Giveaways! It doesn't matter if you've been naughty or nice, you can enter to win these amazing prizes.  Co-sponsoring this super holiday giveaway are... Heidi ButkusKim JordanoPalma LindsayJayne GammonsCrystal RadkeMary AmosonKinderLitDeanna JumpKathy CraneKim AdsitDeedee Wills Dr. Jean Feldman!

How to Enter

Sign-ups will open November 28th. Giveaways will begin December 1st and will end on December 12th.  Each day we will be awarding a $25 credit to the prize partner of the day's store and a FREE 1 year subscription of ESGI.  On the 12th and final day, you can win a sleigh full of ESGI subscriptions (up to 10) and some great products from Dr. Jean!

To enter, all you need to do is sign up to receive the ESGI e-newsletter.  For extra points to improve your chances, tweet #esgi12daysgiveaway once per day, follow ESGI on Pinterest, post one of the giveaway ads on Pinterest, and like us on Facebook.

Entering is really quite simple, and we cannot wait to get these great prizes into your hands!


Christmas & Winter Thematic Activities on SALE!

Are you looking for some great Christmas and Winter Time Thematic Products that will not only fill December and January with great thematic fun, but will allow students practice in critical early learning skills in Language Arts and Math! All games are strategically linked to the Common Core Standards and right on-target for where typical kindergartners should be during these months.
And, for those students at differing levels, differentiation is included.

Although the rage is "No-prep" worksheets, I promise you that these quality learning games are not only more developmentally appropriate, after you make them once and file them, they really become "No-Prep!"  I just open my file cabinet and go!!You will love these games and so will your students!

Following are Sixteen December and January Cross-Curricular Thematic Suggestions!

These will all be on sale along with every product in our store this coming Cyber Monday & More Cyber Tuesday (Dec 1 and 2). (Remember to use the code at the bottom of this post to enjoy the full 28% off)!



  Each of our Thematic Units contain at least one guided-reader! To add to the teaching of reading in your classroom, you will also want to include these emergent readers!      

Fill your carts and enjoy the sale and remember to use the promo code at checkout!


Guided Reading: Building A Bridge to Independence

Guided reading is the bridge between shared reading and independent reading. It is an instructional strategy that helps students become better readers. It can be used in many different grades, but it is most common in kindergarten, first, and second.

Guided reading provides the opportunity to apply reading strategies in a supportive environment. With the teacher’s guidance, students can better use new skills such as: sight words, decode words, use context clues, look at word structure, and decide if a word or sentence makes sense. During these guided times of reading, the teacher is able to scaffold students to a higher level of performance in a risk free setting.

At this time of the year in kindergarten, I am very concerned that students learns to track print. It is my upmost objective during each lesson. I call this strategy: Point at the word your voice is saying. After reading the “real” books, I like to use “paper” books, to provide a take-home hands-on opportunity with text. This set of emergent books with a Christmas Theme, are great examples of paper books that awards opportunity to provide strategic practice with text.

--Portions of this blog post first appeared at Hameray's blog


Making Indian Beaded Necklaces

Here are a few of my favorite past kindergartners performing a traditional Indian dance! 
Do you want to bring the beauty of those Native American costumes into your classroom? 
Then, have your students make a beautiful Indian Beaded Necklace.

How To Make:
  1. Place about 1 cup of salad macaroni in a baggie. (Or desired amount)
  2. Add 2 Tbs. of vinegar. (Per 1 cup)
  3. Drop desired amounts of food coloring.
  4. Seal the bags and then shake vigorously.
  5. Let sit for a few hours, shaking bags every once in a while.
  6. Spread the pasta, in a single layer, on a paper towel covered baking sheet.
  7. Let dry. (You may wish to rub the “beads” around occasionally to speed the drying process.
  8. String the beads into necklaces using curling ribbon, yarn, thread, dental floss or other desired necklace making material.
This necklaces turn out beautiful, and will last forever! 


Twelve Steps to Parent Reporting

Are you looking for a time saving report card option?
Are you looking for a Common Core based report card?
Are you looking for a wide variety of already made, time-tested assessments?

Are you looking for a report card that reports EXACTLY what you want to report?

Then look no further!