
Kindergarten Christmas Program

The Bear's Great Adventure!
A Christmas Play in 4 Acts.

After a lot of hard work by eager 5 and 6 year olds, our program turned out to be a great success. My colleague and I have been doing this program for 15 years (30 productions), and yes, it has never been the same twice. We never know who is going to have a meltdown caused by severe stage fright (Santa Claus this year), who is going to scream the words at the top of his/her voice, who will find the world is his/her stage, or who will cry endlessly because they cannot see mama (even thought she is on the front row). But we do know that this is a play that delights and brings joy to the kids and parents alike. For the first time ever we are sharing the script to this play on our TPT store. We include with it many tips and hints for success.

One thing that we really like about the play is that 3 of the acts are non-Christmas. Consequently it is friendly for students of all religions. It is the story of 4 little Bears who take a winter walk and have an adventure along the way. Act 1: The Woods; Act 2: Mother Goose Land; Act 3: Winter Wonderland; Act 4: The North Pole. 

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