
A Message for Future Me

This is a message for myself in Feburary:

When the midyear slumps hit and you start to feel like you're not accomplishing anything, please remember the beginning of the year when you had to teach each child individually how to open a bottle of glue and use it without making a mess.

You've come a long way.
Never ask Life what else it has for you... you will end up with a new student who just moved from Hong Kong.

Classroom Photos

The classroom is coming together so I thought I would put on a few pictures.

The Computer Center:

The Toy Center
 The Science Center
 The Writing Center
 The Library
 The Guided Reading/Writing Center

The Math Center

 The Art Center
 The Sensory Center
 The Drama Center
 The Carpet
The Alphabet Center
 The Reading Center

Office: My first years of teaching I thought it was horrible to waste space on the teacher so I threw my desk out and worked at kids tables and had one little closet for me. Well now you can see that with 19 years of experience I make sure that my needs are met with adequate space. My students know it as teacher's office!


I must be a sadist

The beginning of school is here and apparently I am on track to make this year an insane one. Not only do I have to comfort 60 new kindergartners and introduce them to school, I also need to potty train my 2 year old. Among all this we made the brilliant decision to get a new puppy... and then 2 days later found out we're pregnant. Well, all right then Life, what else ya got?



I cut the page of followers from my blog and put them in a bag. 
(An easy task when you only have 29 followers)
MAYBE someday we will reach 100. :)

When I put in my hand out came two sheets instead of one,
 so congratulations to 
Sarah and DeeDee!


Math Tote Labels

Need some labels for your math totes? 
Enjoy these if you wish, 24 labels in all.

 Happy Organizing!


Classroom Forms

Need some quick forms to gather important student information? Well get these two forms free! Simply click on their pictures and you will be taken to my TPT store where you may download them for free. ENJOY!


Good News and Bad News

Here we go again! School is starting soon, my Open House is on Friday and I have some good news and some bad news.

The Good News

I'm ready for the open house! I have my room in order and all my stations set up. (See Kathy's previous post for a description of what we're doing).

My dramatic play center got a fresh new coat of paint (and a cute little guy has already tested it out, as you can see).

Our school got new carpet this year and I got a new tiled art and sensory area. (We'll see if we can keep our messes contained there...)

I've got all of our Units from now until the end of November printed and ready to go. I'm so excited!! It's like instant lesson plans!! And you can get one for free by entering our drawing. See the post below for details.

The Bad News

Last year before school ended I got my back to school homework packets completely put together and ready to go. Guess what this dummy did in her anxiety to get the classroom clean as quickly as possible. I accidentally threw them away! Desperately I tried to dumpster dive for them yesterday without any luck. Now I have to do them all over again. What a waste of time. Argh!


Kindergarten Orientation/Back to School

I am getting ready for Kindergarten Orientation. My theme is "The Great K Adventure." This is the map and instruction page that will be given the student and parent. I will post pictures as I get further prepared for the event!


Give Me Five

Kids respond to music. So, why not captivate upon that fact when planning your classroom management routines. This poster is a quick reminder of the 5 steps of good listening and is set to a familiar tune. 


Clip Chart or Pocket Chart Behavior Management

Themed Behavior Management Methods That Work in Both the Classroom and Home Settings!

Choose your Method of Delivery....
 (Pocket Chart Method)
To use this behavior chart, purchase blank library pockets or cut out a square of cardstock for each child. Write each child’s name on the pocket and staple to a poster board or bulletin board. (If cutting out a square of cardstock for each child, staple it on the bottom and on the sides to create a pocket for each child). Print out one of each color of behavior card for each child. Put a set of cards in each child’s pocket with the red card on the bottom, then the yellow card, then green and then blue. Each child will start the day with the blue card showing. If they do not behave appropriately, they take out the blue card and move it to the back of the pocket. The green card is now showing and the child receives a consequence (for example, a verbal warning). If the child makes another poor choice, they move the green card to the back of the pocket. The yellow card is now showing and the child receives a consequence (for example, a time out). If the child makes yet another poor choice, the yellow card is moved to the back of the pocket so that the red card now shows. The child receives the final consequence (for example, a call to parents). An extra, positive card and warning step card have been provided to offer choice for the teacher. For example, if a child’s behavior is exceptional, she can be given an orange card to put in her pocket chart and receive a positive consequence.

 (Clip Chart Method)
To use this behavior chart, copy the large cards on tag and laminate together to make a large chart. Print or make a label of each student’s name and attach to a clothespin. Place all of the pins on blue. Have students move clips as behavior changes as explained previously.

I have several clipchart behavior systems for sale at the Kiosk store: Jungle, Ocean, Pirate, School Days, Space, Groovy 70's, and Farm Themes. Check them out today.

School Themed Sample Pages

Pirate Themed Sample Pages

Ocean Themed Sample Pages

Space Themed Sample Pages

Groovy Themed Clip Chart or Pocket Chart Behavior  Management System  Sample Assembly

What a Custom Made Chart?

Press contact us on the left column and place your order. 
The cost would be $6 per Clip Chart Set.

Also get this rules poster for free by clicking on the link below! Want a customized poster to match your rules and/or your theme? Press contact us on the left column and place your order. 
The cost would be $2 per poster.


Laundry, Weeds & Back to School

I love and hate this month! The excitement of back to school, working in my room, planning for new students, putting up shiny new posters...

Then there is the laundry...

And, there is the canning...

And of course sneaking into my flower gardens are the weeds...

And , well let's not forget those summer afternoons.

Now I won't speak of my summer to do list, the crafts, the sewing, the deep cleaning, the genealogy projects, .... & .. more.....

Balancing this month is the worst. I am still in the mode of enjoying being that stay-at-home gal with the freedom to make my own schedule. All of the summer work is still here for me to do but the rigors of preparing for the new year and the hours and hours and hours that it takes to be ready for the new shiny faces is a lot to balance!
Hum... Any other teachers have this problem?