
Preschool Common Core Assessments: Preparing Preschoolers for Kindergarten

Is my preschooler ready for kindergarten? 

This Preschool Math Assessment (adapted from the National Kindergarten Common Core Standards) is designed to answer that question. It will assist the parents and teachers of Pre-Kindergartners to make informed decisions on the skills necessary to meet the child’s upcoming Kindergarten Common Core Assessments in the area of math. If these assessments are mastered by Pre-K children their transition to kindergarten will be with increased readiness and confidence. 

*The Reading Assessment will be available mid-July.


Numbers and Operations in Base 10: Kindergarten Common Core Essentials

This packet includes seven lessons or activities to help your students understand the standard for Number and Operations in Base Ten.  The lessons vary in style and format. Some lesson are scripted, others are designed for independent practice. Many lessons can be used with small groups while others can be completed with a large group. All lessons can be adapted to support struggling students or to challenge high-achieving students.

Contents Include:

Adding Ten: Composing Teen Numbers Through Song
Ten Frame Team-up: Composing Teen Numbers
Beehive Buzz: Decomposing Teen Numbers
Kitten Pals: Matching Teen Numbers with Decomposed Equation
Teen Count: Counting Objects and Writing Teen Numbers
Teen Numbers: Reading Equations and Writing Answers
Ten Frame Teens: Adding Ten Frames to Make a Teen Number


Geometry: Kindergarten Common Core Essentials

Be assured that you are teaching the Common Core by using this Common Core Geometry Unit for kindergarten. There are two lesson for each geometry standard. 

Contents Include: 

Shape Walk: Finding Shapes in the Environment
Shapes Guided Reading Book: Identifying Shapes in the Environment
Shape Bingo: Identifying Shapes
Shape Memory: Identifying Shapes
3D Match-up: Identifying Three Dimensional Shapes
Shape Graph: Describing and Graphing Shapes
X The Shape: Analyzing and Comparing Shapes
The Shape Song: Learning Shapes Through Song
Touch the Shape: Analyzing and Comparing Shapes
My Shape Me: Building a Person Drawing Shapes
Making Shapes: Making 3D Shapes with Clay
Shape Puzzles: Composing Shapes to Make a Larger Shape
Triangle Duck: Composing Shapes to Make a Larger Shape
Rectangle Giraffe: Composing Shapes to Make a Larger Shape


Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Kindergarten Common Core Essentials

Be assured that you are giving your students ample practice in each component of the common core by using this unit, Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Kindergarten Common Core Essentials. There are two games or activities that cover each standard.

Contents Include:

Addition Trains: Solving Addition Problems
Kids at School: Represent Addition & Subtraction Problems 
Math Journal Page: Represent Addition & Subtraction Problems
Fill the Aquarium: Solving Word Problems
Teddy Bears: Solving Word Problems
Gym Combinations: Making Number Combinations
Little Monsters: Decomposing Numbers
A Frog's Lunch: Making Combinations
Robots: Making Sums of 10
Bears and Shells: Solving Subtraction Problems.
Make it 5!: Adding Fluently to 5


Ending the Year With Fairy Tales

I just finished my Fairy Tale Unit. My kindergartners loved every minute of it! The games were fun, filled with important kindergarten skills, and the building at the block center was amazing to say the least.
Playing "Kiss a Frog"

Painting the Frog Prince

The Royal Castle

Playing Cinderella's Shoes

Playing "Which Kingdom?"

Building Castles 
Building Castles 
Building Castles 
Building Castles 
Taking a Walk with Little Red Riding Hood

Building Castles


Kindergarten Common Core Language Arts Assessments

It is finally here, the newly updated 2nd Edition of our popular Common Core Language Arts Assessments! 
These assessments have been successfully field tested for the last two years, and now include commonly requested updates to make the assessments even more user friendly.

You will love these teacher friendly documents that will keep you organized and confident that all Common Core Standards have been taught and more importantly learned!


Kindergarten Common Core Math Assessments

It is finally here! The new 2nd edition of our popular Common Core Assessments for Kindergarten!
If you have previously purchased, simply go to the on-line store and download your free update. If you have not gotten your copy yet, what are you waiting for?

These accurate assessments will allow you to organize and be confident that you are teaching the common core standards!

These assessments are complete for the entire year. These valid assessments measure growth from the beginning to the end of the kindergarten year. As they do not change from quarter to quarter, these vaild measurements will truly show your students' growth.

This packet provides a valid assessment for each standard and uses simple classroom objects as well as the environment.

Also included are the highly requested student copies to aide in administration of assessments.

The scoring is divided into four columns to provide for those who grade in either a quarters or trimesters. The suggested scoring is M)Meet Expectations S) Satisfactorily Developing or N) Needs Strengthening. Also, a suggested timeline is also included. Use these suggestions or the scoring mandated by your state or district.

A sample checklist and report card has been added to the back of the assessments to make reporting to parents a breeze!

Purchase of this product is for one classroom only. Thank you!

Also look for our Language Arts Assessments.