
Sight Word Worksheets or Workbook: Multi-Task Style

Are you looking for easy, effective ways to give those high-frequency words meaning to your students! My students LOVE to do these pages. I have made them workbook style and used as single worksheet pages, they have loved them both the same.

This product not includes 109 sight words. These words include the 100 most frequently used words as well as the Kindergarten words in the Wonders Reading Series.

Update now includes 109 words!!!


Homework Made Easy

Teachers, parents, and students alike love our easy to use homework packets. 

They are all aligned to the Common Core Standards and come in three levels: Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st grade. Check out our January packets today!


Christmas Classroom Doors

Our school is having a door decorating contest, here goes. 
Who do you think is the winner?