
Creating a Portfolio (Memory Book): Measuring Growth One Sample at a Time

A portfolio is a sampling of information relating to a child’s developmental progress in a school setting. A portfolio contains work samples that are representative of where a child is at a particular time. It clearly shows development as it continues throughout the school year. A portfolio is an effective assessment tool that authentically documents a child’s progress and serves as a great reporting tool as well.
We have used portfolios for about 15 years now. They have not only proven to be effective assessment tools, but we have also found them to be very popular with parents and students alike. Furthermore, they continue to be loved throughout the years.
Memory books are also a great tool to keep “favorite” school memories alive. We have merged the memory book idea and included it as part of the portfolio system.

Check out our Portfolio/Memory Book product at our on-line store. We know your students and parents will love it!


This product has been built for your flexibility. There are portfolio covers and binder end tags provided for all grades Pre-K, K and 1st. There are also color or black and white options to run on colored tag, as colored ink is generally at a premium.
The product is then divided into sections: Beginning of the year essentials, month by month work samples, pages to use throughout the year to document memories, and an end of the year section. 
This summer, we will be adding other portfolio options. These will include adding math, science, art and more to this existing portfolio template. Also many of our units include portfolio suggestions.


A Free Alphabet Sound Fluency or Sight Word Game

I have been so busy with closing down the end of school and packing to move to a new community in another state, I have been neglecting things in the Kiosk realm! So, here is a freebie for all of our customers, hope you enjoy! Please click on the picture and it will take you to the download area at our Teachers Pay Teachers Store.

Here are a few samples of the pages...


The Kindergarten Jungle Begins

I find that May is a great time to just give in and turn everything to the wild! My month long theme is "It's a Jungle in Here!" I will be posting pictures this month as we transform our classroom into a jungle! Today we began the unit by focusing on frogs. Specifically, the great frogs who inhabit the rainforest and jungles.

If you would like to turn your own classroom into a jungle, check out our newly posted jungle unit.


This 102 page thematic unit, Jungle Fever, is strategically linked to the Common Core Standards. It is divided into areas of literature, music, art, literacy, math, worksheets, science, creative writing, word wall, and guided reading. The activities are clearly written, easy to use, and need limited amounts of preparation. The lessons (games or activities) included are scripted. They are written in a format that can be easily taught by the teacher or readily handed off to a parent volunteer or a classroom aide with complete confidence that objectives of the lesson will be reached.

Table of Contents:
The Elephant
Jungle Lane
The Lion

Art Projects
King of the Jungle
Elephant Construct
Zebra Painting
Jungle Masks

Word Wall
Jungle Animals
What I Know About the Rainforest

Safari & Other Animal Facts

Scripted Literacy Lessons With Independent Options:

Snap: Matching Upper and Lowercase Letters
Rumble Through The Jungle: Reading Sight Words & Recording Data
Safari Sights: Naming Sight Words (or Alphabet Letters) Fluently
Safari Stop: Identifying End Punctuation Marks

Independent Activities
Word Match
Writin’ Rainforest: Writing CVC Words

Scripted Math Lessons With Independent Options:
Gorilla Dance: Naming Numerals 0-40
Safari Subtraction: Solving Story Problems
Safari Rest Camp: Subtraction
Dueling Dominos: Comparing Sums While Fluently Adding within 5

Independent Activities
Safari Take-Away
Math Journal Stickers: Zebras at The Pond
Sneaky Snakes: Writing Plus 1 Numbers

Guided Reading Books
The Rainforest
Class Made Books
A Trip to The Jungle

Zoo Unit: Common Core Essentials

We're Going to the Zoo! 

Check out our new thematic zoo unit!

This 116 page unit, At the Zoo, is strategically linked to the Common Core Standards. it is divided into areas of literature, music, art, literacy, math, worksheets, science, creative writing, word wall, and guided reading. The activities are clearly written, easy to use, and need limited amounts of preparation. The lessons (games or activities) included are scripted. They are written in a format that can be easily taught by the teacher or readily handed off to a parent volunteer or a classroom aide with complete confidence that objectives of the lesson will be reached. 
Table of Contents
Scripted Literacy Lessons With Independent Options:
Monkey Food: Decoding Words
Zoo Zap: Reading Sight Words
Around The Zoo: Reading Sentences
Cat Families: Using Word Families to Extend Reading Skills
Independent Activities
Cat Family Writing: Word Family Writing 
Boo At The Zoo: Writing oo Words
Scripted Math Lessons With Independent Options:
The Zoo Shop: Counting With One to One Correspondence
The Zebra Exhibit: Identifying Numbers
The Zoo Take Away: Subtracting Numbers Within Five
Hiss: Identifying Two and Three Dimensional Shapes
Independent Activities
Zero Zebras: Comparing Numbers
Monkey Math: Subtraction Problems
The Zoo Keeper:  Comparing Numbers
Math Journal Prompt Labels
Animal Comparisons: Observing & Describing Characteristics
Monkey Bread: Combining Ingredients
Guided Reading Books
Going To The Zoo
Class Made Books
A Trip To The Zoo
Zoo Word Wall
The Animals at the Zoo
What Does a Zookeeper Do?
Art Projects
Paint a Zoo: Painting a Zoo Scene
Paper Bag Monkey: Making a Primate Friend
Crocodile: Constructing a Crocodile Pet
The Zoo: Portfolio Page
Jumbo Elephant
Over at the Zoo
Way Down Yonder
Boa Constrictor
Sally The Camel