Another Kindergarten teacher on my team (Hi Stephanie!) had the brilliant idea of having the children plant paperwhite narcissus to give to their parents as Christmas gifts. We planted the bulbs in gravel and water (super easy) a few weeks ago and now they're just about ready to burst into bloom. Everyone who has seen them has wanted to plant them as gifts for neighbors or coworkers; they are so beautiful.
My example is planted in a glass jar so that the children can see the roots growing, but the children's are planted in a red plastic cup with a poem glued onto it on green paper.

Here is the poem:
It’s winter time when all things sleep,
Except this little flower,
Like stars that shine at Christmas time,
To brighten every hour.

I want to be your little flower
And make you smile each day,
To brighten up your darkest nights
And chase the clouds away.

And here are more instructions on how to plant paperwhite narcissus (these instructions are for planting in soil--ours are in gravel which works great too!).


Cyber Monday Sale!

Check out our Curriculum Essentials 
for the month of December!

Shop on Cyber Monday for up a 30% savings!

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CMS28 at checkout to save!


Thanksgiving Feast at Kindergarten

We have spent the last few days learning of the Pilgrims and the Indians and practicing academic skills using games found in our Thanksgiving Unit.

And now for the celebration! A Thanksgiving Feast at Kindergarten!


Bears Bears and More Bears

We have been having fun learning about Bears and studying the difference between fiction and nonfiction books. Take a peek at the last two days in Room Seven!


Owls at the Science Center

I love to approach my bear unit with the theme "Into The Woods." That way I can incorporate all of the woodland creatures. This week the science center has an Owl that is on permanent loan from the Fish and Game. The students LOVE it!