Teaching Thematically

As a beginning teacher my first professional development training was given by “Susan Kovalik & Associates” on Integrated Thematic Instruction. I was excited about the training and the idea of choosing a year-long-theme. This theme and plugging everything else into it seemed like a logical way to make sense of instruction; not only for myself but my students.
I quickly chose the theme “A Great Adventure in K” and began to plan my thematic teaching. Now, 18 years later I am so glad that between my roots in the tenants of early childhood and brain research as well as the early professional development that I attended I went the route of thematic teaching! I would recommend to everyone to 1) Choose a year-long-theme and 2) Teach Thematically!
Before choosing a theme and plannning thematically, it is important to ask yourself, “Why?" What is your main motivation for thematic teaching? Is it to help children to make links across different curriculum areas--to make learning authentic? If so..continue on!.
Following are the themes that I teach in my classroom in the months of August, September and October. I have found these themes to be exciting, and engaging. I am excited to share these units with you as well as other supporting materials!

Note: "My Skeleton" will be posted in the next few weeks. 
All other items are available at both TPT and Teachers Notebook
