
12 November 2015

Quick and Easy Kindergarten Assessments

Thanks to ESGI, the Amazing Online Assessment Essential, orally assessing each of my kindergartners to prepare for our end of trimester report cards have been a snap! Usually I use this assessment on my iPad, and call students over to my teacher table, but because I have had a student teacher, each have been able to come up to teachers computer, quite an exciting event for a 5 year old!

If you haven't signed up for your free 60 day trial! 
Simply go to click on the orange button!

Please remember to enter promo code B7227, when you find you can't live without it, you will receive $40.00 off the already low price.

And to compliment this great tool, don't forget to check out these "Best-Selling"Assessment Packets! As a bonus, all of these paper assessments are already loaded on ESGI, ready to go!